Business, FAQ's

Our Mission

Our mission is found embedded in our values

When we are balanced we are relaxed. Neither tired nor brimming over. Centred, aware, engaged and connected to time and place in a manner that enables us to be our fullest self. From this place we can then contribute the best of what we have to offer


Through our relationship with hair we aim to enable, encourage and facilitate greater balance for our guests, our community and our business with the natural world.



We all may have different roles and individual tasks but we are never working alone. So we share in the good as well as the challenges. Giving and receiving solutions, support and celebrating success.



Keeping a childlike wonderment is at the heart of what we do. Inspiring ourselves and others to find joy in the smallest of details; like how an acorn can become and oak tree. Taking the time to step back and have a really good look, differently, is incredibly refreshing



Fashion is constantly changing but more importantly people are constantly changing, our world is constantly changing around us. To be present we must also embrace a natural progressive movement



Doing the right thing is possibly one of the greatest challenges. Right by who? For what purpose. Sometimes breaking rules is the right thing to do. As artists, professionals and individuals delivering integrity, taking responsibility for our choices, being fair and exercising good morals



We humbly acknowledge that we owe everything to the world around us. We cannot even think a thought or read these words without accepting the root of all we are is woven into the environmental journey. It is our sensible duty to move towards greater balance with our place, ecology and environment also.


Each day we work towards a future where beautiful hair is as strongly aligned with good health as it is with good style.



Consistently seeking to improve standards for our customers, staff and partnerships.



Awareness of and present to the experiences affecting our communities



Challenging our skills, our industry, our knowledge and even the very way that our business is conducted


More about us

discover the people behind the brand



At the SALON OF CHI we welcome our guests, we listen to requests, we care about people. WE LOVE HAIR. We are creative visionaries believing in ETHICAL hair care, SUSTAINABLE product development and & FAIR TRADE. We CELEBRATE beauty in balance with NATURE and nurture